Dear blogger friends,
I am sorry that I (mom of Mason) have not been around for over a year.
I have thought of all of you often and missed my time on here.
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you today the passing of my baby girl Mason Dixie.

At the very young age of 7 she developed quite a spell over a course of 2 weeks that in the end took her life. I did every thing the vet could think of
but alas it was too much for her to bare.

I will miss her morning kisses, her afternoon hugs, and the thump of her tail.
I will miss swimming at the lake, walks in the park and car rides together.
I will miss her sitting pretty for attention.
I will miss playing ball in the yard.
I will miss her love of snow.
I will miss her.

Be in peace my Mason Dixie
Mommy loves you.