Mason's buddies

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Day Off From Work

How does one spend the day when you do not have to work?
Well, here is what you do.
First you go to the VET and get your yearly checkup.
Shhh, he is coming.And then after a good bill of health and some DIET info? You run off and dognap your Aunt Mabel. Then you stick your head out the window for a better view.
Secondly, you swim after your Wubba in the lake, but do not leave it in the water, I repeat, do not leave it in the water!

Thirdly, if the Wubba is on dry land, you swim after the geese. Go Mabel Go!!! I mean, COME BACK MABEL!!!

Fourthly, you walk the human Sibe style.
Fifthly, you wait for the human to catch up, seriously she may need a sled.... he he........
Sixthly, you take in the view from all angles..........
(Notice how Mason does exactly what Mabel does.)Seventh, you show off your snooters Then back to the car........
Eighth, you go to an abandoned old baseball field and throw your
chuck it the squirrel around.

(would of had more footage but mom was recording the wrong
parts, she got a little confused. thanks mom)

Ninth, you roll around on the ground real good, for one to dry off your fur
and two to get your stench all over Mason's chuck it toy. he he
And lastly, you send your Aunt Mabel home smiling ear to ear.
Need I say more.


Bijou said...

What a Terrific day you had! Well not the vet visit part... but all the rest looked like great fun. I bet you sleep good tonight.

Wags & wiggles,

Unknown said...

Thanks for a wonderful adventure today. I loved every second of it. Next time I will get those geeses.
Going to go rest on the sofa after dinner. Come back soon Mason. LOVE, A. Mabel

Eduardo said...

OMD! You had the best off day ever!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo were a furry good employee to skhhedule your vet appointment on your day off!

GRRRREAT news on the results!


What a fun day!

I know what woo will be doing tonight!


Chase said...

Wow! You guys had a great day off from work! You must have been exhausted after all that playing!

Sniffs and licks,


Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Wow Mason

That looked like so much fun. We wish we could have come too. We think we need a wubba.

Tucker and Daisy

Golden Samantha said...

A vet visit rewarded by such a funfull time? I'd definitely do it for a day at the lake, the walk, the chuckit squirrel? What a lot of cool stuff to do! Mom rocks!
Hugs and Love,
xo Sammie

Ms. ~K said...

Wrooo wrooo Mason,
Your Rama is a lot like our Rama-she always makes sure we have a fun day!!!
Aren't we lucky pups to have such great Ramas?
We love the magnet and yummies you sent!
Licks and Sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ummmm, we think maybe you need another day off after that long busy day.

Glad you got a clean bill of health. Did you get a cookie too?

Woos, the OP Pack

The Luke said...

What a way to put vet trip behind you but go on big 'venture wif your Mom and your Aunt Mabel! Happy you got good bill of healf! Love from Luke

Miss Lizzy said...

Looks like a great day (apart from the vet, of course)! Love the snooter shots!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow,step by step instructions on how to have a fabulous day off! Very cool.
XO-BabyRD & Hootie

Lorenza said...

You had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs

Princess Eva and Brice said...

When I clicked on the flying squirrel video, it must have pinged Brice's radar because he came running down the hall. But he loves them a little too much - Momma has 2 back-up squirrels in stock for him.

Princess Eva

Sara Alves said...

Wow! you guys had so much fun at the lake! :)
what a day!!! :)
and remember... don´t leave your wubba in the lake... or else your momy would have to go in there two to get it back! (hummm... considering it... maybe that´s not a bad idea!!)

lot´s of licks

Martha said...

Hi Mason
What a fantastic day! The vet bit was good too cos you are fine and healthy. Then you just got to have fun fun fun and you know us Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-un!
Sleep well
Martha & Bailey xx

Bae Bae said...

Looks like you had a pawsome day. :)

~ Bae

Anonymous said...

Mason, That was a perfect day, cept maybe for the V-E-T part. A SUPER play day with Aunt Mabel.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Mason Dixie - you look like you had an awesome day! And what great weather!! I loved watching you in action...although I have to say, I'm exhausted just reading about your day! I don't think I could do that many things in a week...certainly not with many naps in between!! Hee! Hee!

Honey the Great Dane

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Ah what a fantastic day Mason!!
You and Mabel is great friends and aren't wubba's just the best?
~lickies, Ludo

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

WOW - your people really know how to help you have a fun day.

We're glad you're healthy!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Sounds like a wonderful day off work! We need more days like that!

Wei Qian said...

you sure knows how to enjoy your day off! :]

best regards

Suzuki said...

What a pawsome day!
Big licks to you

Nibbles Treats said...

You took great care of Mabel and the two of you had a wonderful day together. Great job!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what a wonderful time you had with mabel.. We would be right there with you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

The Army of Four said...

What a fun day!
I like the snooter shot! ;)

Duke said...

That looks like one terrific day you had, Mason! A whole day of fun sounds awesome to us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Chase said...

Mason, go check out my bloggie! I left you some awards. :-)

Sniffs and licks,


White Dog Blog said...

The rest of the day makes going to the Vet almost worth it! After, I hope you had a chance to take a nice nap at home.

Chester said...

Drool. Superdrool. Buckets of drool watching you and Aunt Mabel. I SO wanna play in the water with you, Mason D!!! You had an absolutely perfect day (except that I was not there made it a little less than perfect) and the diet thing? I hope your doc was not even suggesting that you need to lose weight. You look PERFECT and I love the wet head look. I bet you smelled all wet-dog which is my favorite smell. Other than food, but I bet you smell better than food, don't ya? dreams will be filled with me and you swimming together.

Woofs and swimming slobbers!

Spencer said...

Great day...a tired dog is a happy dog, hee, hee!

belly rubs to you,

Clive said...

What a great day you had!

lots of woofs

Joe Stains said...

You really showed Mabel a good time! I wish I could have spent the day with you, except for the water part. I don't like water so much.

Mack said...

Aww yeah - that is the perfect day off! (I'm with Joe on the water part though!)

Anna the GSD said...

OMG I freakin LOVE my Wubba!!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That looked a really great and fun day out.
Bet you slept well when you got home. :-)

Holly & Zac...XX

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

looks like you guys have some fun places to 'splore! we wish we were on the 'venture!

thanks for visiting! Saige and Guinness!

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