Here at my lake again and ready to jump

See my new collar? compliments of Clover and Chewey =)

Now for a good shake shake shake

Looking over the fence and guess what I saw......................

A waterfall! I have never seen one before

Mom says that is one cliff I am not allowed to jump off, she
has no sense of adventure

Here I come mom!!!!

Here mom is yelling at me to get out of these weeds? Not sure why?

Then this is what mom found in my tail....oops
I guess sometimes you are to listen to your mother.

Can you see me?

Here I am!!

and now on my way home.

and of course for my far far swim.
Hi Mason,
I'm glad to see you are having so much fun diving and swimming. It's been a terrific summer huh?
Wags & wiggles,
You are such an excellent swimmer dog!
- Charlie
Love your ear flying action shots. Is that you grunting while swimming?
Tucker and Daisy
Woo did a really and really far and far swim! We are so impressed!
Wrooo wrooo Mason,
You look like you're flying off the dock... Way to go!
Where do you live?! That looks gorgeous! You also look sassy when wet Mason.
Kasha and Africa
Hi, Mason!
Your collar is pawesome!
That waterfall is beautiful and scary at the same time!
I loved your splashing video!
Kisses and hugs
Woo have such fun!
Wow Mason - you can sure dive beautifully! 10.0!!!! Love that collar and "snarfing" while you swim! I do that too! And guess what? I get those sticky "thingies" in my tail too - usually requires spa appt. ugh.
Hugs xo
I get those sticky thingys in my tail too (and sometimes in my toes...). I hate 'em. I especially hate when Mom has to remove them. Owie!
*kissey face*
Looks like so much fun!!! I want to go swimming...I think.....
Great photos Mason - looks like you were having such a brillant time.
lots of woofs
What a swimmer you are, Mason!!! We love watching you jump into that water and then, zoom, you are off!!!
Our mom isn't too happy when we get those sticky things stuck in our fur either. That means the brush comes out:(
woos, the OP Pack
ohhhhh wooooow!!!
what a fun day !! :) you look so happy!
big licks
Wow're a GREAT swimmer! Nice fetch:)
Oh! I love the new collar, I noticed it right off! Very pretty!!
What a great great great you had!!
You look sooooooooooo happy!!!
And what a wonderful swimmwer you're!!!!
Your collar is pawesome just like you!!!!!
That waterfall is beautiful and scary at the same time!!!!!!!!
And we loved your splashing video!!!!!!
You're the best!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Wow Mason you hold a LOT of water! What a lovely place to hike and swim!
That was a great shake! :)
Mom is always scolding me about walking through the sticky weeds and snoofing in there too. I usually come out with them all over my paws and muzzle!
Happy Wednesday!
What a wonderful adventure you had!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Woooo, my're having so much fun and your lake looks amazing....all that's missing's a handsome Beagle boy :D
*sigh* I wish I was your Wubba and you were rescuing me, hehe!
Lots of smooches and snuggles,
Your Alfie xxxx
Wow, what a cool adventure! You sure look pretty in that collar - you wear it well!
I don't think my mom would want me to jump off that cliff, either. Moms are funny like that.
Play bows,
Hi Mason! We loved the pictures and the video. You are really brave to dive from that high up! The lake looks awesome, and you looked like you were having a fantastic time!
Amazing dock dive, Mason! Wish you could teach me!
Your pal,
What a great adventure. I never get to go anywhere.
Huffle Mawson
What a WONDERFUL and kind surprise Jack received in the mail today! The large cookies are great - it took him over 2 minutes to get through one - a new record for him! Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Jack's Dad! (the tall guy)
We loved your dive into the water on your video, Mason! You sure do love to swim!
We have been seeing TONS of Goldens here on Nantucket!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Mason! We got a package today from Four Musketeers!!! From the sporty dog contest. And we got your second place medal! Did you by any chance get our medal??? Email our mommy at and she will send you your medal!!!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Awesome place for you Mason! Swimming os the best isn't it? Have a GReat weekend!
Hey Mason,
That wasn't only a far swim, it was also a very fast swim. You are like a nuclear submarine in the water.
WOW MAson, so much fun!!!
What a big jump and what a fast swimmer you are!
Hi Mason! Pawsome day! Your new collar is so beautiful!
Rufus and Indie
Wow, you dived! Cool!
You are brave!
I do not like water...
I sure am impressed with your swimming skills, Mason. I'm so afraid of the water - I'll only go knee-deep and then run back to shore. But that's because I fell through the ice in someone's swimming pool one winter when I was young.... but anyway, you look like you were having so much fun.
That looks fun! You can swim very well, Mason Dixie!
I love your action shots photos.
~ Bae
Hi Mason,
We have been missing your lovely golden-ness this week. We hope you are back to posting soon! We wanted to let you know we gave you an award today!
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Hello Mason,
Can you give us swimming lessons? ^_^
You're a dog after my own heart. My mum doesn't like me getting all that stuff stuck in my fur either, but I don't mind because then we have to do "check" when we get home, which means lots of rubbles for me.
What a fun outing!! yes.. Sometimes we just have to listen to our moms! LOL!! :P
Woof! You sure having a great summer. I wish I can go swimming with you. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Einfach prächtig der Badespass :-)
Sometimes I would get foxtails when I'm out exploring amongst the bushes. And sometimes it hurts when they are being removed.
Mason that looks like a fab walk - and we are very impressed with your swim! We love your swimming snort too.
That looked like a horrifying experience! You should warn the BTs of swimming pics!
Oh what a wonderful place you got to see. We love seeing you jump off the dock.. Mom watch a show on Chesapeek Bay dogs that competed jumping in the water.. One jumped 30.5 feet.. Maybe you need to enter too!!
Have a great weekend...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Mason,
That looked like a fun swimming adventure day. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Wow that looks like fun, but I am not very fond of the swwimmies thing....
Oh my goodness, Mason - I've just posted about a swimming adventure 1st swimming lesson! Do come over to my blog when you have time to watch my video! :-)
But gosh - I have a LONG way to go before I'm anywhere as good as you! That dive into the lake! OMG!! You're practically a dolphin!
Honey the Great Dane
WQW Mason, excellent diving and swimming skills. I'm very impressed. What a nice place to be on a beautiful day!
Hi Mason!!!
What a GREAT lake and super fun time you had.
Hope all is ok, looks like you are on a posting break? Best wishes.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Oh, I hate those little green things in the fur. they get in deeper and deeper if you don't stop everything and get them out right away! Ruins all the fun. Love the pink collar!
your pal, Morgan
What a wonderful life you have Mason :)
Hi Mason!
I have been away from my blog for a long time, so I am trying to catch up now. I love the collar you picked out, and I love the pics from your adventure!
Hope you come back soon.
Hello there
You have a very lovely blog and beautiful pictures. It's so nice to such such a happy Golden. Hope we can be friends.
Lots of licks
Hi Mason,
Is everything OK? I miss your adventures. I am hoping that you are just super busy. Know I care about you.
Mason, we miss you. Hope all is well and you and your mom are just too busy to post.
Tucker and Daisy
Woof! Mason I am so jealous - LOVE to swim too but can't swim on the lake cause of my allergies. Glad you had a pawsome time. LOVE you photos and video. Just want to thank you for your friendship - today is my 1st year blog anniversary. Lots of Golden Thanks. Woof! Woof! Sugar
Hi Mason Dixie
I have missed your blog adventures and hope you are well. I hope you will put on your Trick-or-Treat costume and enter the contest at Isis' and Hansel's blogs...I bet you look so cute in costume!
Oh what a great time you had. We sure wish we could be with you...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, Mason-Dixie, what a fun place!! We wish mommee would take us swimming again, but she says it is too cold and that we make her too wet. She is no fun.
Gus and Waldo
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