Mom's computer took a turn for the worst. Bad hard drive..........
I may have accidentally knocked it over?

Maybe that is, there is no hard evidence =)
We ordered a new one and should be up and running by Monday.
Keep yours paws crossed.
I will miss every one.
Oh we are so sorry Mason.. We have done that to mom's computer too..
There was no card with our wonderful present from you.. Mom is sure glad that she now knows who it came from. Thank you so much. You are a treasured friend...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Mason Dixie,
I am sorry that your mom's computer is not feeling well! I hope it is doing better real soon so we can all see more of your cute face!
:) Tibby
Good luck getting your puter fixed
Have a great weekend
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
PS our PC is broken too - it overheated - so bad week for puters
Sorry about your computer :( At least you have that nice rawhide!
Oh no!
My mom would need to be khommitted should that happen here!
Paws khrossed woo will be bakhk soon!
If you did accidentally come into contact with it, I'm sure that it was because it jumped out in front of you.
That's Momma always says when she trips on something.
Princess Eva
Amazing!!!! I can see your page for the first time in like a week!!! You have a beautiful new lay too!!!!!! I have recently uploaded internet explorer 8 and I think that may be the cause of some of my issues. Anyways, I'm glad I can see everything right now!!!
Hi Mason,
Sorry about the computer. I hope the new one has bumpers. BOL
Wags & wiggles,
Terrible news, sorry to hear this. But think of all that will be waiting for you when you return. Like all of us! :)
Aw, Mason Dixie, that's too bad about your computer. We'll look forward to seeing you when your new one's up and running.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
How are you writing to us if the puter is broken? Do you have magic powers, Mason Dixie? Tell Mom to get a Mac, she will love it.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh no! How will I cope?? You will just have to come to my beach again instead :D
We're having issues at the moment too, grr!
See you soon sweetie, smooches,
Your very own studmuffin, hehe xxxx
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooo!!!!!!!
we're in the same condition dear Mason!!
Our internet connection aren't working well and we aren't able to open lots of our friends' blogs!!!!!!
We hope yours pc doing better real soon so we can all see more of your cute face!!!!!!!!!!
we love you a lot!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!
So sorry! I know we will miss you very much, but hope you and your mom have a great weekend! Monday will be here soon!
Hugs xo
Hi, Mason!
Computer problems are not fun!
I will be waiting for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh no!! I hope it gets fixed soon. I will miss my best gal pal!
Diego Dog
Missing you Mason... sorry abt the broken pooter.. our mom use a laptop and we have crashed into it/ made it drop zillions of times, but thank goodness it's still survining.. although barely!
Love that pic of you.
Oh, Mason, I'm sure its going to be okay soon. You look very apologetic in your picture. :)
Computers ay....they are trouble sometimes but we're lost with out them.
We are so sorry Mason - we will miss you too.
Lilly, PIper, Carrleigh and Java
Don't look so sad's only a minor setback...nothing to get worried about...your Mom will fix it, so Cheer up!
your pal,
blogging is just for fun--never stress over who you don't get to and that sort of thing! there are a lot of blogs and not lots of time--
and as for being broken for the time being--we will all be here when you get back!!! love ya Mason!
We are sorry - our mum is now unable to live her life without a computer!
It will be lovely getting a new one.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi, Mason...
Sooo sorry about the computer...
I'm sure it wasn't your fault...
Abby xxxooo
You look so pitiful and innocent in the picture...
Don't know how long I can make it without you...hurry back!
Hugs and Rubs,
Buddy the Lover
Oh no! Hope the new one is even better (and maybe refrain from knocking that one over). ;)
Hello there Mason,
We're sorry to hear that your puter is broken. We hopes it gets fixed soon. We know how difficult things can become without a puter! These modern day and age, one simply cannot do without a puter!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
A new computer is exciting news... I bet it is even better than the old one! Until it comes, though, we will miss your adventures. Have a good weekend.
Good thinkin' Mason D!! Knock the old one over so she will get one that is much faster and can hold all the gazillion pictures that she takes of you. And with a face that launches a 1000 hearts, why wouldn't she?
Woofs and gazillion slobbers,
O Mason... that not good thing and I so sorry to hear!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. Has the Bleu been visitin you? (Ha. Just kiddin, of course).
Those computer machines are so noisy! We hope your mom gets her computer soon!
Rufus and Indie
Sorry to hear about your computer Mason.
Hope you will be back soon.
Awww you look so sad MD. As long as Mom doesn't know you knocked it over I think you're ok!
oh no - I thought my bloggie reader was broken because I hadn't seen any posts by you - my mom's memory is running out and she's looking for another puter
Oh, Mason, we will miss you too. Even tho there is no hard evidence be careful. It seems humans like to blame things on us doggies. Have a good weekend! ~Twix
Oh no. Did your mum send the computer to the vet?
Huffle Mawson
We hopes that woo don't lose any important stuff!
Gus and Waldo
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