Thank you to Joey and Kealani for passing on this awesome award to me.

Remember Ludo's birthday contest " Guess the Guests"?
Well I received my prize in the mail this week!!
Yummy yummy treats and new toys, the piggy actually grunts. he he
I also received a package from Reilly at Cowspotdog for a place in his "pee mail" contest!!
Thank you ever so much Reilly, mom says when she is done with the puzzle
she will take pictures of it a post it for you. =)
Mom wants to thank every one for all the birthday wishes, you sure did make it a great one for her. And we should be back up and running tomorrow, keep your paws crossed.
We miss you all and thank you for still stopping by.=)
Paws crossed my lovely, i've missed you! Oooh, lucky you getting all that loot....and the mini-you and Babe are so cute!Lots of smoochy kisses,
Your Alfie xxxx
Pawsome presents you got there Mason! I'm wif the Beagles and really love the mini-you!
Miss you and lookin forward to you gettin your compy!
wif love from the Luke
Khongrats on the award AND khool pressies woo got!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Hi Mason Dixie!
You got some wonderful prizes! What a lucky girl you are! I sure hope you get your computer all fixed soon! We all miss you bunches! My Owner Girl's laptop was sick too but luckily it was an easy fix.
:) Tibby
Hi Mason,
Wow you sure know how to open those packages. We try, but just don't have the strength to get through that packing tape.
Terrific pressies!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Mason! It's good to see ya again. Thats a whole lotta loot you got there...need any help with it? I'm always willing to assist any way I can. ~Twix
How cute are all those pressies! Mason: you are totally PAWSOME at opening packages - I can't believe what a pro you are! Love Babe and the mini-Mason!
Hugs xo
Hi, Mason Dixie!
You are so good openning packages!
Enjoy your presents!
Kisses and hugs
congrats on your prize and aren't those the nicest presents!!! And many thanks again for Dakota's surprise and for all your good wishes.
Woos, the OP Pack
wOW mASON. You are really good at opening the mail. have you ever opened something that isn't yours? BOL... I bet it's nice getting prezzies in the mail...
lucky you
Kimberly & Bell :)
high five for the videos... really cute!
Hi Mason Dixie! Nice award and presents - we like the touch with the bows. We hope everything goes well with the computer.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Hey Mason
Sorry we missed your mums birthday. We're sending belated birthday woofs her way.
Looks like awesome pressies you got there. Like your present opening style.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
The videos were a riot! Mason, you weren't messing around with your goodies! Too cute!
What great presents - Bailey has the pink grunting pig - she loves it!
You are always so funny to watch with your parcels.
Hope you get the computer soon.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Wow... great pressies!! Your mini-me is adorable!
Paws crossed for your compooter!
Hi, Mason...
I love to watch you open presents...
You got lots of good stuff...
Abby xxxooo
wow what a good job opening the package - i am so impressed - woodrow would eat the paper so he is nt allowed to open envelopes - so usually do it but not as good as you.
Wow, pawsome award and presents!!! Congratulations and happy belated birthday! Woofs, Johann
Wow! You're good at opening packages! And very nice things inside of them.
Princess Eva
Congrats Mason! So many pawsome presents!
Rufus and Indie
Wow, Mason Dixie! What pawsum pressies!! And a stuffee dat looks like woo? Pawfect!
Gus and Waldo
Look at you with all the prizes!!!
Love the mini Mason and Babe!
Check out my WW post today...
I'm pretending that bone is you, My Sweet!
Hugs and Rubs,
Buddy the Lover
I was hoping for a Wednesday update, but it looks like your computer is still not cooperating. Impressive collection of gifts, nonetheless!
What nice goodies! We had computer troubles about a month ago and it is such a hassle! Hope you are up and running soon!
What lovely gift you are one lucky pup..
Hopefully that computer will start acting right soon.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Those sure are wonderful gifts!!!
We are sorry about your computer troubles. They are never fun.
Happy belated birthday to your mom!!!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
P.S. Potty training has been slow going but Hailey is doing good for 4 months old. The good thing is that she is small so any mistakes are easy to clean up. Unlike the lakes that Lucie would leave when she would have a mistake! BOL
this is so exciting to see this Sugar award EVERYWHERE!!! Way to go!!
xo sugar
You sure do a thorough job of opening pressies, Mason! What nice gifts you received!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh stuffies, mmmmmm!
wow congrats, what great pressies!!!
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