A Kong? HHmmm sounds interesting, I have never had one so lets see what happens.
Ok so the peanut butter goes inside? That's a lot of peanut butter....
I am waiting patiently.
Yum yum yum, so I just lick it out? oh this is good good good. (sorry pics are blurry I was moving too fast for the camera, it just tastes so good)
Good stuff... Looks like you're pretty clean with the peanut butter. Bosley slings it everywhere...
Yum! I love kongs and peanut butter! Lucky you.
~lickies, Ludo
My furiends in Seattle Wooshington get kongs each day when their peeps go to work -
I have a khouple of kongs but never got that into them!
I think woo surely enjoyed yours!
PeeEssWoo: I didn't think woo were tooooo pushy...it never hurts to remind me so I khan be sure to get my sekhretary's butt in gear!
Wow Mason
That looks like so much fun. We are going to tell Mommy we want peanut butter in our Kong.
Tucker and Daisy.
Now I know what to tell Mommy to get me!! HaRooo Roooo!!!! Woos is sooooooooo lucky!
Mya Boo Boo
Hi, Mason!
Enjoying a kong filled with peanut butter is the best way to spend a sunday!
Kisses and hugs
You are one lucky dog...we only get p-nut butter when mom wants to hide our meds!!!
Sniffs to ya,
Zack, Sas, and Bud
Mmmmm, pnut butter is our favritt....nom nom nom! Drooling now :o)
Slobbers xx
A really fun way to have a kong with peanut butter is to top it off with a yummy cookie and then freeze it. That way it lasts longer and is so furry refreshingly cool.
Woos, the OP Pack
That looks real yummy. And a great way to spend Sunday
~ Bae
I've never had a kong! You make it look very easy to use one.
love & wags,
Hey Mason
We've had our kong since I was a pup. They're the best and you know what....Lucy hasn't even destroyed ours yet. She loves to chase it when it bounces all over the place.
Mom puts cookies in ours with the peanut butter! It makes it even better, Mason Dixie! yummmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My dogs love peanut butter, too!
We've never had a kong....but the Kong look like soooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!
now we're going to mum and ask her to buy one for us asap!!!!!!!
thanks for sharing with us this wonderful toy!!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses
Kong + Peanut Butter = LOVE!
Tink likes to bury our Kongs under the sofa so we can't play with them. She's a Kong Hog!!!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oooh! I have a Kong just like that! What's the chances of that happening? Anyway, Mom named my Kong "Kong-kong" (yeah, real original) but we like to play hide and seek with it. I'll stay in one room while she hides it in the other and then when she says Ok-I go find it. I'm gonna tell her about the peanut butter when she gets home from work tonight. I know her first concern will be "doesn't peanut butter get all over the carpet?" Humans! Always worrying about the mess! Thanks for the tip! Chester
My apologies, I should have introduced myself before making remarks about your Kong. May I be so bold as to say you are beautiful-I do have a thing for strawberry blondes. I adore your name and it would have been suitable for me-had I been a girl-'cause I was born about a quarter of a mile away from the Mason-Dixon line (between Pennsylvania and Maryland). I will be keeping my paw on your link, baby! Chester
That looks yummy! I have never had peanut butter here!
I tasted peanut butter for the first time this weekend, it was totally awesome!
I also had a Kong once but I left it somewhere, luckily it had no filling inside, I ate it all!
You were so lucky!
licks, and love, Marvin xxxx
Looks like loads of fun.
Mom added you to the Fur Friends list. Sorry she thought she had added you before.. She is old and forgetful...
Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Huruff Mason!
The cadbury bunny is a famous bunny, BOL! Mum says the others were good too though and Mum says Fox and the hound is her favouritist movie cartoon and I was almost named Todd, BOL! So you gets a prize too!
Please bark me a message to Ludovanpup@live.co.uk with the piccure you would like in your magnet (or say if yous want a keyring) and an address I can get mum to send it to.
~lickies, Ludo
I wish I could find my kong!! Before I lost it, I loved when Mom would put it in the freezer the night before she gave it to me on a really hot day. A nice cool kong with frozen peanutbutter is a great way to spend a hot afternoon.
The Kong looks like fun! My Mummy intend to get me one too.
you're tempting me :DD i had never tried peanut butter before :x
best regards
That looks very yummy. We have never had a Kong and never had peanut butter. Feel free to leave a message for our mom to tell her we NEED to get them.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Wow -looovve my kong,but mine seems to come with a rope and gets thrown to me - no peanut butter, but I WISH!!! Maybe I'll get some PB now!!!
Hi Mason! Aren't Kongs the greatest invention since dogfood? You're a quick learner. Took me forever to figure out how to keep that thing from moving around. So glad you discovered the great world of Kongs.
My Uncle Buckley has a kong - it's bigger than me!
Huffle Mawson
Yikes ... check the peanut butter ... Could be funky stuff!
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