I would like to introduce you to my mom's BF's buddy, Zoe. The BF thinks that Zoe is the best pup ever and that she does nothing wrong. Remember all the crazy things he said about me? (
"she's cute when she's not jumping on me, drooling on me, whining at me, barking at bags, destroying things, taking food off of the counter, peeing on the rug, waking me up, making a mess when we aren't home, and crawling all over me other than that she's GREAT"). Well, my mission is to prove to every one once and for all that Zoe is just as bad as the rest of us.
Oh sure she looks so innocent and sweet here, but these are pics taken by the BF. My mom is going to go over there and scope things out with her camera.
I can guarantee when mom is done taking pics of Zoe she will be claiming that she was framed. Mark my word. Zoe will be caught in the act, some day by surprise we will have the footage. Keep reading, til then......................... Zoe does no wrong.
Picture evidence will prove you right!
love & wags,
Hi Mason... I think Zoe is just real good at putting on the innocent face. I tried using the innocent face when I chewed a "tiny" hole in my dad's slipper and it didn't work for me. Sigh... I guess I just have to practice more!
Your Pal,
That is so cute. You keep your eye on her she is bound to screw up...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Come on over tomorrow Mason and you can go with us. We can have a picnic!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Mason Dixie! Here's what I think. We Golden Retrievers have a lot of PERSONALITY, which includes jumping, barking at inanimate objects, and that other stuff, but we're just giving and getting lots of LOVE. Maybe Zoe will mess up, maybe not, but that doesn't mean you're not just as good exactly the way you are. Hmph!
Your friend,
Joey the proud Golden Retriever
Hi, Mason!
Sure she looks inocent.
But we never know what and inocent face hides!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hey Mason - Sammie here and I get just exactly where you're coming from - see that your mom keeps that camera around here little finger! Hah haha hah!
Woo might want to form an alliance with her AND then take advantage of your mom and her BF!
I did post your award fur Sunday!
Tank Woo again!
She does look kinda innocent. I guess we'll have to wait until the proof comes out hehehehe. Good luck MD.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
P.S. Thanks for the nice award!
Zoe is awfully beautiful... and she just looks so innocent...
Us crazy beasts, we've got a naughty side to us. But don't fret, Mason. Ladies love the bad boys, and boys love the crazy gals. I love a gal with edge. Ooh yeah. They're way more fun to wrastle with at the bark park!
It just gives us more personality, don't you think?
Can't wait for the pics of her caught red pawed! No dog can be that perfect, BOL!
~lickies, Ludo
We didn't make it to the lake>> :0(
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Awe, the poor baby...he deserves an extra hug!
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