Decisions decisions................
Okay, I choose the ball, usually ball time means I get to go to the field and run and play.
Oh, we are not going to the field? Then I choose the rope, the loofah, the bone and the kong. Seriously you can not expect me to choose just one.
Hi Mason Dixie!
I could never choose between all those toys! They all look so fun!
:) Tibby
Hi, Mason Dixie...we are jealous of all your toys! Have fun playing! Shamu and Prissy
I think I woulda chose the penguin, do it make a noise?
~lickies, Ludo
Lucky have a lot to choose from!
Hi there...My blog is in portuguese and have to roll down the page... Come back soon!
So many toys, so little time! The way I choose between toys is I pull them all out of the crock mom puts my toys in and then I touch each one with my mouth and whichever feels right is the one I'll take to Mom. If you need help, I'll come over but you best only let me play with kong or the ball 'cuz the rest might not look the same when I get done with 'em. You've been warned! See ya later, schweetie pie! Ches
ps. If you blush at that, have your mom take a picture. I bet you're even more adorable all rosy-cheeked!
I usually choose a toy and Big Pupi thrashes it away from me in about 2 seconds. Can he come live with you and your toys?
Hi Mason! So many toys! I have trouble too when I try to choose (IF I get so many toys!!!). I like it best when my mom or dad play with me with ALL toys, cause it's not as fun with just me... unless... the cat's around to pique my curiosity. But you look happy, my friend - have fun today! And THANK you SOOOO much for your generous help with regard to the Bone Zone. It's all in the final stage now and should be activated by this evening? (We hope, so we can vote!!!) Happy Tuesday!
Love Sam and her mom!
SOOOOOOOOO many toys!!!!you're very very lucky boy!!!
we could never choose between all....we catch all!!!!WaaaWaaWaaa!!!!
wish be with you and play we could help you to choose!!!!
we love you dear friend!!!
have fun with your toys!!!!
Wooo Mason! Choose the Kong...the Kong!! You can have peanut butter in it then when you've licked it clean you can clean your teefs on the tuggy....then you can let the other toys take it in turns to be played with!
Busy busy!!
Slobbers xx
Since I don't see a Wubba or a khuz, it would have been the nylabone!
Great selekhtion!
oh I see you suffer from the same problem as my Jeannie.
My Pa says never let her have a choice, because she just cannot choose.
In restaurants with long menus, we are always waiting so long on her!
And she never chooses The Kong!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
I would have chose the ball, too. I've been knwn to spit bacon out of my mouth to play with a ball!
Wow you sure have a lot of toys to choose from. We would have chosen the ball too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Too many decisions!!!
I would choose ALL! BOL!
That's a great collection of toys, but Mason, how do woo keep them so clean and new-looking?
Hope woo had fun playing.
Woos, the OP Pack
My trainer says a dog needs at least 21 toys to stay "intellectually engaged" and not be destructive...I have added a zero to the end. Isn't it wonderful to have choices?
That's really fun.. I would pick the penguin. It looks cute. ;)
~ Bae
Hi, Mason!
First the ball, then the loofa and then the kong!
I know it is not easy!
Kisses and hugs
Hello Manson Dixie,
if it was me, i wounld not know how to choose @.@ All of them look so nice to play with XD
best regards
aw I like the purple penguin! haha.
And I hope you catch the cat in your dream soon!
We would be fighting over the loofah! That is one hard decision, Mason Dixie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Too many decisons too little time! If it helps Bailey would choose any toy that makes a noise. Martha would refuse to play with anything and may even leave the room to escape toys!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Luna would love ALL of those toys, however the bone usually wins most of the time!
Mom still hasn't gotten busy on her award. We will try and pressure her..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wow Mason! Look at all of your fun toys! I like the giant loofah dog. (Psst... don't tell my mom but my huge loofah toy exploded all over the backyard. There was stuffings everywhere. I have no idea how it happened!)
Have fun!
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