Mason's buddies

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All In A Days Work

Well my second day on the job is finally over.........

Getting all the wet clothes out of the washer and into the dryer

Make sure to get all of them out and do not drop any on the floor.

Make sure to fold all them while they are still warm to prevent wrinkles.

See how well I did. I am a good folder.
Until next week.
Keep it clean. =)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great job!

Maybe woo want to chekhk Meeshka's khartoons befur doing your next loads!


Anonymous said...

When the clothes are warm is the best time to take a nap on top of them and press in the wrinkles; ask any kitty. It's common knowledge.

Scratchy Paw said...

Bow WOW! I'm inviting you to my house to do the laundry. Nice job.

Lorenza said...

Good job!

Wei Qian said...

wow, well done Manson Dixie ! (: can i hire you to help me?

best regards

Diego Dog said...

My Mom wants to know if you'll teach me to fold clothes.


NESSA the hovawart said...

Oh my, I cover the PC up coz I didn't want my mommy to see what you are should croos her mind to teach me that...
But you are doing great job!

Licks and kisses,

Bae Bae said...

Woh.. my hooman ask if she can get you to do our laundry too. Pawsome job you did

~ Bae

AppleDebbie said...

Wow Mason... I hope your mom gave you treats for being such a grrreat laundry folder! You are amazing!

Your Pal,

Suzuki said...

Excellent job :)
Big licks to you

Martha said...

Oh Mason
What a good job you did there - we are very impressed. Would you like to move in here with us cos mum could do with a hand and we are too busy snoozing!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Hey Mason

Our Mommy thinks you should teach us how to fold laundry, she hates it. Daisy likes socks a lot too. You did a great job.

Tucker and Daisy

Nibbles Treats said...

Great - now you've gone and done it. Our mom saw your post and wants to know why we don't help her this way. Thanks! We're now going to have to be her laundry slaves. Oh our aching paws!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Chester said...

Very impressed! You probably could use a good back rub after all your hard work. I would also rub your paws. Nothing is too much for my hard-workin' Mason D! You're gonna make me a fine wife someday!

Woofs and slobbers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mason Dixie! Wow, what a great job doing the laundry! Good work!

See ya!

Golden Samantha said...

Well Mason - you have a standing invite to my house, where you can help mom with the laundry - I never do such things, but she definitely needs help, especially in the folding department! Great job!
Licks and Love xo

Duke said...

Mom wants to know if you're for hire, Mason Dixie? She said something about us being lazy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bailey said...

I hope you made sure to leave lots of nice golden hair on that laundry! That is the most important part!

I make sure all my Mom's laundry has my trademark! That way, when she is at work, she can look down at her outfit, and have a little reminder of me!

White Dog Blog said...

The folded clothes look so neat and crisp. I would nap on the warm sweet smelling fresh from the dryer clothes--you are such a pro!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You are a super good worker. Mum say you can have a job here any time.
~lickies, Cone head Ludo

Mack said...

Are you a fan of "How Clean is Your House"???? My mom LOVES that show!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom wants to know if she can hire woo - she will pay woo well- lots of yummy treats, belly rubs and nose smoochies, AND fun with all of us.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

You did a great job there Mason.

Did you keep any socks out to play with? .. we love socks..hehe

Holly & Zac...XX

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