Mason's buddies

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A New Dog Park

Mason....where are we going?

A doggie park that mom found on line and it has a lake.
I am on one side and they are on the other. It
goes all the way around!!

I am fetching my new water wubba here. It takes me a few tries
but I went out and got it.

Look how dirty I got my mom, it was fun jumping
on her with my sandy feet.
Did I mention this is the first time I have ever stepped in sand?
It is pretty cool.

If you blow up the picture you will see my green wubba, abandoned.
It go too far away from me and I left it.

But this puppy here, Madison, came to my rescue and every time
my wubba would get too far away.........
she would get it back for me.
Mom said I was lucky to have met such a nice dog.

See the slobber on my head?
No one would pet me b/c of it.
He he

This is me fetching my wubba.

I was so tired I fell asleep in the car in a sunbeam.

Hope you enjoyed my day at the new dog park.
I sure did.


Mack said...

You are such a great retriever!

I'm afraid of water like that!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I bet woo are STILL sleeping!

Woo had LOTS of fun!


Andrea said...

What a wonderful day you had Mason! Looks like a great dog park. :)

Unknown said...

I wish I could have come! Great job swimming out to your wubba! Your mom is a good cheerleader.

ahem.. I don't think I'll pet your head either... but I'll swim out to get the wubba if it's too far.


Dughallmor Beagles said...

SO SO COOL! Isn't sand fun? Every pup should feel sand between his toes at least once :D Your new park looks so awesome....hope it's not far so that you can visit often. We (Alfie in particular) loved your video!
Slobbers....for your head..xx

Lucia said...

Ciao Mason Dixie!!

It looks like you had a magnifico day, mia amica! We went to a doggie park today, too!! There was no water, but there were lots and lots of doggies to play with -- including one who reminded me of you! Her name was Candy, and she sure was a sweetie!

Tanti baci!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful park to go to - water, sand, nice pups like you and Madison - what more could a pup want? Glad you had such a fun day.

Woos, the OP Pack

Pee Ess, no special occasion for our Happy Heart treats - they are really delicious and Mom was just nice enough to order us some more. She says they freeze well, but we think we can eat them up fast enough that she won't have to do that.

Golden Samantha said...

Well that looked like so much fun - I love water too and can't wait to go swimming again one day soon - in the meantime, I love the movie of you and the pictures - especially of you sleeping in the sunbeam!
Hugs xo Sammie

Chase said...

OMD! Mason, I am SO jealous of you right now! That is a pawsome doggie park, you are lucky your mom found it for you. You are a wonderful retriever (I won't even go near the water at the park...BOL).

Sniffs and licks,


The Army of Four said...

Wubba! Wubba! Wubba!
That sure was nice of that Labrapuppy to rescue your Wubba for you!

Anonymous said...

Heya Mason,
Gee, what a swell doggie park. Your Wubba sure was way out there. Good thing that Madison is a good swimmer and could go get it for you; otherwise your dad would have had to swim out and get it for you. We have Max and Shiloh do our long distance swimming for us. we're always tired too when we come back from the lake but we have to walk to and from so we don't get to sleep enroute in a sunbeam. Some dogs are just lucky that way. we're glad you had a good day at the park

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Look like you had a very very great and funny day at the park!!!
we love swimming and feeling sand under a very special sensation...aren't you???
we love your picture - especially of you sleeping in the sunbeam...and your video is wonderful!!!
we're very happy for you that your super mom had found this great new park for you!!!!
Lots of love and licks baby!!!

Maxie said...

What a fun day Mason! I'm so envious of you. I wish I could go to dog parks also but we don't have any here.

Doggy Kisses,

Ms. ~K said...

Wrooo wrooo,
We would love to come swimming with you sometime...
You are a lucky girl to have a Rama who spends so much quality time with you...It obvious she enjoys your outings as much as you do and that's very cool!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Lorenza said...

Of course I enjoyed your day!
I don't have places like that one here so looking at you was like I was there with you!
Kisses and hugs

Wei Qian said...

wow, the new dog park looks so beautiful! (: Especially the lake, you could have both land and water activities

best regards

River said...

What a great find! And a new friend. I hope you got to do some park zoomies.

love & wags,

Tee said...

We love sand too ... some time back the chief ordered a truck load of sand for some mini construction at Dog Woods ... we flattened the sand dune in now time! Dig dig here, dig dig there ...

You sure looked like you had a gala time at the new dog park!

Licks and Wags

Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Ebi n' Emma said...

Looks like heaps of fun!

The lake must have been fun to swim in? But it looks pretty huge that you almost lost your Kong Wubbas. =)

Glad that you got it back!

Do checkout our blog when ya free~


Ebi & Emma

Suzuki said...

What a pawsome looking dog park!
We dont have dog parks here :( I wish we did though.
Big licks to you

Bae Bae said...

That looks like a really pawsome day out.

~ Bae

Martha said...

Oh Mason
You were so brave in that video clip - that wubba was in deep!
We were proud of you.
The new dog park looks good and you had a great day out.
We dont know if we have been on sand yet but we are planning to go to the beach at Easter. These Dughalmor Beagles torture us with all their beach pictures!! You certainly enjoyed the sand - did you make any castles?
Martha & bailey xx

Abby said...

Hi, Mason...

I loved your video...

I bet you were tired from all that...Are you still sleeping...

Abby xxxooo

Chester said...

What a wonderful day you had, Mason D!! Glad you had help getting your Wubba back, seein's how I couldn't be there to help. I'm finding out there are just wonderful dawgs everywhere ya go. Dogs ROCK! If only 2 leggers would take a hint from our example. I shouldn't moan and groan, I think we both know alot of good 2 leggers too. (It's just those ones I hear about in Washington that gives me gas)
Anywoof, you look lovely as always, Mason D!
I'd love to try out that sand stuff you mentioned.
Woofs and non-sandy slobbers,

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Wow, looks like you had a great time! You look so cute fetching your wubba in the video.

Nibbles Treats said...

Oh, we are so jealous! We want a dog park with a pond. That looked like so much fun!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Julie said...

Sand - and water - what fun!

Duke said...

Good for you for fetching your Wubba, Mason! You sure couldn't leave it behind!
What a fun day you had!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are a lot better at getting that wubba than us. If it is to deep I, Gus just bark at it.. See why Mom just throws sticks??
Callie did swim and get a lost stick one time when she was smaller but I think she has learned from her brothers not to go to deep...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

White Dog Blog said...

What a cool dog park! You are lucky your mom found it...I bet it will be GREAT in the summer.

Bailey said...

Wow- what a great park!

I love swimming, and rolling in the sand!

Unknown said...

Can you take us there someday Mason? We would love the water and can run free. Wow what fun we would have. Mavis will probably stay on the sand with mom cause at only 4 pounds, i doubt if she could swim. We would be making such huge waves for the little one. lol

Teddy Westlife said...

It looks like you had a GREAT time! I was tired just looking at the photos.

Huffle Mawson

Joe Stains said...

I am so totally scared of water but you sure did seem to enjoy it! We have a park like that here but I have never been there.

The Musketeers said...

We are happy to see you playing with that wubba :D

Lady Kaos said...

How cool! I wish there was a dog park with a lake around here! Actually, I just wish there was a dog park around here!

i said...

What a great park! Sounds like you had a great time!

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