Boy oh Boy do I have so much going on this weekend, I hope I can keep up. First off I would like to thank Ludo for sending me this most awesome magnet of myself. I think I look rather beautiful in this picture. =) Thank you Ludo so very much.

Next I have a double date this weekend! Alfie has asked me to join him on a date with Petey and Rosie. We will be going to a Birthday Party.

So to prepare for the date mom went shopping for a new collar for me. Sorry Alfie, it is not pink =( Mom said that the orange would go better with your fur coat.

I hope you like the new collar Alfie.
The next BIG news to hit our ears, my Aunt A is in LABOR!!
This is my new cousin and mom's new nephew
(he is in the belly still)
And these are the proud Aunt's to be
So while mom is away this weekend to see her new nephew,
the BF will be keeping a close watch over me,

I am not our gallivanting around with Alfie =)
So I apologize in advance if I am unable to get around to comment
on all my buddies blogs. I am thinking of you.
Wish me luck on my first date!
Next I have a double date this weekend! Alfie has asked me to join him on a date with Petey and Rosie. We will be going to a Birthday Party.
So to prepare for the date mom went shopping for a new collar for me. Sorry Alfie, it is not pink =( Mom said that the orange would go better with your fur coat.
I hope you like the new collar Alfie.
The next BIG news to hit our ears, my Aunt A is in LABOR!!
(he is in the belly still)
And these are the proud Aunt's to be
So while mom is away this weekend to see her new nephew,
the BF will be keeping a close watch over me,
I am not our gallivanting around with Alfie =)
So I apologize in advance if I am unable to get around to comment
on all my buddies blogs. I am thinking of you.
Wish me luck on my first date!
Good luck on your first date but we think woo will do just fine. That is a beautiful orange collar and Mom is right, the color is pawfect for woo.
Congrats on the new nephew - so we are confused, is he hatched yet or still in the shell?
Tail wags, the OP Pack
The new Baby "O" as we call him should be popping out any time tonight. Her water broke around 4 this afternoon and it is just the waiting game now. So very excited!!
Are those salmon croquets for the humans or for the pups - sound tasty.
Is Dad going to make it on time for the baby? congrats - hope all goes smoothly.
Good luck on your date being the nice dog that you are it will go pawsomely!!!
Thank you for following my blog it is an honor to have such a great dog following my blog!!!
I am following you blog and I hope we can become great friends.
Glad you liked the award!!!
Well, sounds like Dad is doing a lot of good for his country and his son will be very proud of him for that. Great that his wife has such a great family of support.
Sweet Mason....not long now! I am so excited, can't wait to plonk a big smackeroonie on that gorgeous snooter of yours *blushes* You're right about the orange too, it's pawfect....but you'd look great in any colour *more blushes*
Weeee, so there's about to be a new tiny human bean in your life? They smell sooo good, especially when they get a bit older and start carrying biscuits around, hehe!
Good luck to Auntie A hatching her boy :D
And tell your Mom I promise to take very good care of you this weekend and be the perfect gentledog (Mum has shoved the hormone suppressants down my neck already!)
Slobbers and smoochy kisses, Alfie xx
What a whirlwind of akhtivity going on!
A date
A humanpup
A new khollar
And almost birfday!
PeeEssWoo: My word is CRIZE...that is what humanpups DO!
Hi Mason
What a great weekend of plans, and we love the magnet that Ludo sent, but we don't think you are supposed to eat it.
Tucker and Daisy
Hey Mason
Have a great time on your first ever date.
Hope all goes well for the birth (and the date lol)
I send deeply good vibes on your 1st date - you will be pawsome! And your collar is beootiful! No matter what you wear I'd at least take you to Indian Valley!
xo Sammie
good luck! I am sure you will have a pawesome time!
I am sure everyone is excited about your new nephew!
Kisses and hugs
Woo Hoo!
A date and a new cuzin. Life is good!
Have fun on your date! The new collar suits you :)
Big licks to you
Hi Mason
How busy are you? Dates! New babies! Shopping! New collar!
Gosh you will be far too busy to blog.
Your new collar looked lovely and suited you very well. The pink would not have looked so gold with that gorgeous golden coat of yours.
Our mum says please please post about your new cousin as soon as he/she arrives. Humans seem to get very excited about these things - perhaps it is because they generally only have one human baby at a time. How would they cope with a litter?
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Congratulations on your new nephew! What exciting news!
We love your new orange collar! It suits you! Have a great time on your date!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
LOVE the magnet of you, it is very cool!!
What an exciting weekend! We can't wait to meet the new baby!
Be sure to keep dad in line while your mom is away.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Good luck on your first date!!!! Excellent colour choice on your collar! :) And congrats on the new nephew.
Congrats on your new nephew!
It was so nice Ludo to send you that lovely magnet!
I hope you have a wonderful date with Petey and Rosie. Your name collar suits you!
Hi Mason Dixie! What a lot of interesting news! And how exciting about the new nephew! Will you get to meet him and play with him some day? Babies smell great!
Your pal,
Oh congrads to all on the new nephew. He is looking pretty handsome inside the tummy. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hope you have fun on your date! Take lotsa pictures.
love & wags,
I hope woos has a lot of fun on the date! It sounds like a blast! And congats on the new pup--I mean baby--that is on the way. I don't understand, is it a litter? Or is she having only ONE baby? Seems like a waste of good energy...just have 10-12 and get it over with!! Haroooooooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
**was one short of OctoMom**
Hello Manson Dixie,
good luck on your first date! ^^ have fun XD
best regards
Thank you for visiting my blog - glad you were impressed with the spit line ;-)
Hope you have a great date - and we're hoping all goes well with the birth too :)
You're dating ALFIE?!!? Oh, I'm SO happy for you! He's really quite the catch. My mom goes ga-ga over him - whatever that means.
Congrats on the soon to be baby!
Wow - You are very busy!
That sounds like so much fun for you!
I heard a rumor that I am going to the dog park tomorrow!
OK, here's the deal. We've got a few tasks for you even though you've got such a big weekend planned. First, you really gotta have a background check run on that BF guy. we're sure we've seen his picture down at the Bumpass Post Office or maybe it was on America's most wanted, we're not sure which.
Next, tell the aunts' brother that's an army officer that the last four words to the National Anthem are "GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY."
have a good weekend on your date and make sure Alfie is a gentleman or we can arrange to have Brutus Maximus and his little sister Shiloh come visit him.
Hey Mason don't worry about it,everyone says my blog is hard to keep up with because my blog is always packed!!!
Love Travis
P.S good luck on your double date!!!
You're going to have so much fun playing with a human pup one day. Did you know they drop food all over the place? Nice orange collar too. You're mama's right about the colour - very becoming. Have a great date!
I love your new magnet! I've got my keychain from Ludo too.....and I think it's fabulous!
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